Yoga is Your Natural State

Yoga Studio includes 8 classes. Choose your level and focus to find
the perfect class for you.

Efficient and professional support team has made my experience much brighter. I look forward to new classes, and my website is about to launch. Efficient and professional support team has made my experience much brighter. I look forward to new classes, and my website is about to launch. Efficient and professional support team has made my experience much brighter. I look forward to new classes, and my website is about to launch.

Lucy Banks

I am 100% happy about working with these themes. Simple and elegant is just what I am looking for my Yoga site!

Mary Green, OH

My task of running a website has never been this easy! Thank you for your fantastic web products and excellent service.

Jenna Aniston, NY

Our Classes

Choose Yor Level and Focus
Хатха йога
ПН, СР, ПТ 19:00
ПН, СР, ПТ ПН - 19:00 СР - 18:00 ПТ - 15:00
Кундалини йога
СР, ПТ, ВС СР, ПТ - 19:00 ВС - 17:00
ВТ, ЧТ ВТ - 18:00 ЧТ - 19:00
Славянская гимнастика
СР, СБ СР - 18:00 СБ - 10:00

Simple Pricing

Start Yoga Practice Today
Regular Plan
  • Basic Yoga
  • Free Snacks
  • Flexible Timing
  • Certificate
Silver Plan
  • Advanced Yoga
  • Free Snacks
  • Free Yoga Mat
  • Personal Attention
Premium Plan
  • Deep Yoga Poses
  • Free Meditation
  • Free Snacks/Mat
  • Kundalini Yoga

Make an Appointment

Start Yoga Practice Today
г. Челябинск, ул. Энтузиастов, 15